Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Oh the wonders of stuff

So lately I have been thinking. That isn't anything to special in itself. But what is special is the topic of my ponderings. I have been thinking a lot lately about obedience. Obedience to God, obedience to Christ who calls us to follow him. I have a feeling that we (Western Evangelicals) forget about this thing called obedience. We probably speak a little too much about faith, particularly personal faith. Now don't get me wrong I think faith is something that is important, in fact necessary, but I think obedience is also necessary. Dietrich Bonhoeffer put it sort of like this....

We often talk about the faithful being obedient but we need to remember that it is also the obedient who are faithful.

To say that obedience is simply a byproduct of faith seems to miss a large part of the gospels. I don't know. There are much wiser people who have thought about this and written on it. I look forward to reading more and studying more about this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For some strange reason it seems that we often see obedience to God as sacrificing our real desires, like we know better than our Creator what is good for us.

Silly humans. Silly me.